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Be taught the way you want to teach. If we want teachers to be innovative with their lessons, we can't give them boring, old-school workshops. That's why our workshops model truly innovative learning: exploratory, inquiry-driven, fun, interactive, hands-on.

Experience our world class workshops for yourself. Have a look at our wide selection of workshops for teachers, lecturers and leadership teams.

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Wanna learn from home? PD in your PJs of the very best kind! Our coaching webinars are interactive, jam-packed with resources and tips - designed to inspire and empower teachers. Giving you tools and strategies to use in your classroom - tomorrow!

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Coaching and Mentoring

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Online platform

Online platform

Have fun learning anywhere, anytime, the way you want to. Dive into 30+ amazing courses which bring you the best mix of edtech and pedagogy - supported by our team of experts. Loaded with examples and downloadable templates, our practical courses not only tick the CAPS boxes, but also connect you to real teachers doing awesome things in real South African classrooms. And have some fun along the way! Get your badges, earn certificates, challenge your colleagues, all while racking up your SACE points.

PurpleZA is your one-stop PD shop - future-proof your classroom today!

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Online platform
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